RBAC (Role Based Access Control) for VCP

RBAC is a way to provide an access to the logged in user in vCenter server. The administrator user can create roles and assign privileges to the user for role based access control. In vCenter plugin, we can manage RBAC by creating specific privileges, like read only snapshot dashboard, Limited access to Datastore operations.

Certification for Storage or Virtualization Companies

Certification is a way or a process that helps a company to have and establish credibility of their product in terms of quality and standards set by the certifying authority. There are different types of certifications done and provided by certifying authorities like VMware, Citrix, Microsoft etc. Storage or Virtualization companies who wish to opt ..

vSphere Web Client Plugin – Quality Assurance

vSphere Web Client is a program that is designed to manage the VMware vCenter™ server through a browser. It allows an administrator to connect to a Server (vCenter server) system and manage the vSphere environment. Each storage vendor develops their own vSphere web client plugin which allows their customer to manage their storage efficiently through

Basics of vCenter Plugin Automation

vCenter plugins are additional features of the vCenter web client that aid in the management of vendor specific operations (on Storage, Networking and virtualization). These plugins are developed by third party developers to provide a vendor specific user interface in vCenter. For example, a Storage vendor can extend the vCenter web client interface

Strength of vSphere Version for UI Development

Version 5.0 of vSphere supported Flex/Flash for UI (developed VCP on client side). The HTML Bridge was added to the SDK in version 5.5.1. It allows you to develop UI plugins with HTML and Javascript instead of Flex. The HTML bridge has been tested on Windows and Mac OS, with the browsers currently supported by vSphere 6.0, i.e. IE 10, 11 and Chrome and

Journey of vCenter Server and Its Roadmap Ahead

We are well aware about what is a plug-in, so here the focus would be on the concept and usage of plug-ins in computing. To encapsulate the textbook definition, Plug-in is that software component which adds a particular feature to the already existing application or a computer program. VMware also allows this feature in its vSphere Web Client.

VMware vCloud Director: An Introduction

Cloud computing is growing at a spectacular pace. Most organizations are either using cloud technology or developing products that support it. VMware’s cloud management tool is called vCloud Director (vCD), which works on Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) architecture. Some key points related to vCloud Director have been mentioned below: VMware vCloud Director uses

Storage Certification with VMware

There are multiple steps to be followed in order to meet the VMware compliance for certification of any storage (hardware or software defined). First of all the product vendor needs to be Elite partner with VMware in order to certify their product and features and list them on VMware official portal. With this partnership in place VMware provides TAP

DevOps – The Road Ahead

According to Wikipedia – DevOps is a culture, movement or practice that emphasizes the collaboration and communication of both software developers and other information-technology (IT) professionals while automating the process of software delivery and infrastructure changes.It aims at establishing a culture and environment ….

Top 5 Storage Startups in 2015

Every year storage startups brings lot of dynamism and churn in the entire storage industry. Some of them disappear quickly, some disappear painfully, some gets acquired and…