Key Technology Trends Shaping the Telecom Industry
The Telecom sector is facing brand new challenges due to the pandemic, but it is also getting brand new opportunities. Advanced technologies are changing the telco game, and this article, we explore six of the most popular ones! Read on to find out more.
The Effects of Edge on Data Storage
Edge computing is creating a ripple effect across the tech industry, and it is most strongly felt in the Data Storage sector. In this article, we explore four major ways Edge computing is changing Data Storage. Read on…
Why the Service Mesh Will Be Essential for 5G Telecom Network
It is worth saying that service mesh technologies like Istio, Linkerd, Aspen Mesh, Consul Connect, and others play a key role in making sure better control in heterogeneous environments that have a dynamic requirement in terms of delivery.
Basics of Virtual Network Functions (VNFs) & Challenges
This article is focused on basics of VNFs: what are virtual network functions (VNFs), architecture of virtual network functions (VNFs), what are the basic components (VNFC and VNF Descriptors (VNFD)), challenges with current VNF development and onboarding to NFV environment and how cloud native VNFs can help overcome the challenges.
Getting Started with Network Function Virtualization (NFV)
First question that comes to mind is whether SDN and NFV are same or different or related technologies? SDN and NFV are independent technologies. SDN creates a separate management plane which sits a floor above the traditional control plane so as to get wider view of the network and orchestrate using network protocols like OpenFlow. So, with the SDN approach