Top Three IoT Concerns for IT Infrastructure

This article talks about how a proliferation of data due to growing number of devices imposes a burden on current IT infrastructure and what needs to be done to tackle the challenges. Concerns are: need faster and high volume data storage systems, need scalable and agile network with high bandwidth and low latency

Why NVMe is Important for New Age Data Center Workloads?

Any enterprise using SSDs will get benefited from the application of NVMe protocol. NVMe based infrastructure will be ideal for use cases representing SQL/NoSQL databases, real-time analytics, high-performance computing (HPC). NVMe enables new applications for machine learning, IoT databases, and analytics; real-time

SIOC (Storage IO Controller)

Storage IO Controller is used to manage the IO on VM in an efficient way. We can consolidate our storage by using SIOC, It will allow more VMs which we can map on the datastore. Every VM disk has its own share of storage resource and using SIOC we can manage these shares. The VM has more share then more throughput and low latency.

SNIA SDC 2018 – The Largest Storage Developer Conference in India

Calsoft, an ISV preferred product engineering services partner announced its participation as “SDC India Premier partner” at the Storage Developer Conference (SDC). Being a premier sponsor at SDC, Calsoft will showcase its unique capabilities in the areas of conventional Datacenter technologies and the new disruptive areas alike.

Certification for Storage or Virtualization Companies

Certification is a way or a process that helps a company to have and establish credibility of their product in terms of quality and standards set by the certifying authority. There are different types of certifications done and provided by certifying authorities like VMware, Citrix, Microsoft etc. Storage or Virtualization companies who wish to opt ..

iSCSI: Introduction and Steps to Configure iSCSI Initiator and Target

In today’s information age, data is growing at an explosive pace and consequently storage requirements within enterprises are skyrocketing. This massive bulk of information is transferred through…

Challenges in Testing Enterprise Network Attached Storage (NAS) Products

Unstructured data is projected to grow at a compound annual growth rate of more than 60% over the next few years. Enterprises are seeking effective ways to manage this unstructured data and exploit value out of it. High-end Network Attached Storage (NAS) solutions are trying to address these daunting challenges through hardware acceleration and

Cloud Integrated Storage – Advantages & Challenges

Cloud is the most powerful and cost-effective way to address data explosion challenges. It should just not be used as a vast, inexpensive repository of old files. When used with the right set of technologies, cloud-integrated storage can deliver a whole new range of enterprise benefits, including global file sharing, rapid disaster recovery and simple, centralized

Data Center Automation: Gateway for Smarter, Efficient and Successful Business Solutions

Gone are the days when we Data Center organizations needs to deploy thousands of employees and had to put on the huge amount of investment towards the maintenance of their Data centers. Today’s technological advancement has moved to data center automation and this blog will talk about that. Data Center automation is an initiative to achieve automation process

What is Hybrid Scalable Converged Unified Storage?

Phew! The technical jargons are going the medical naming convention, isn’t it? Practically, they all can be separated to be on their own, so let’s define them separately & then combine them together to see what we get. Layman definition of the individual Terms: Hybrid: It literally means many things build into 1 single Unit, Scalable: It means