Future of Networking : Software Defined Networking (SDN)
There have been a lot of innovations in the virtualization domain which has benefited compute and storage. However those benefits are constrained due to limitations in the traditional network model. It is becoming increasingly difficult task to manage infrastructure which needs rapid network provisioning and also can be a time consuming.
Getting Started with Network Function Virtualization (NFV)
First question that comes to mind is whether SDN and NFV are same or different or related technologies? SDN and NFV are independent technologies. SDN creates a separate management plane which sits a floor above the traditional control plane so as to get wider view of the network and orchestrate using network protocols like OpenFlow. So, with the SDN approach
Storage Efficiency Calculators
The storage efficiency calculators enable you to precisely calculate your data footprint while stating how much reduction is possible. These tools give out results of Capacity requirements,…
SDDC: Extending Virtualization Concepts
SDDC is the abbreviation for Software-Defined Data Center. SDDC is a concept wherein eventually all elements – compute, networking and storage systems in the data center will…
SDN Controller Performance Challenges – 1
In our earlier blog, you learned about the basics of SDN as well as its growing market opportunities.But one factor that can falter the SDN promise is…
Security Holes – Part 2
In Part-1 of this post we spoke about security holes and 2 sources of vulnerabilities: Buffer Overflow and SQL Injection. We will cover next 3 sources in…