vCAC – A look under the hood

Introduction vCAC or VMware vCloud Automation Center is an innovative tool that provides the end user the facility to use the vendor’s cloud. Usually provision of cloud…

Storage Industry Outlook 2014

The year that started with optimism for the external disk market is slowly starting to show a gloomy picture for months to come. The disappointment is evident…

SDDC: Extending Virtualization Concepts

SDDC is the abbreviation for Software-Defined Data Center. SDDC is a concept wherein eventually all elements – compute, networking and storage systems in the data center will…

SDN Controller Performance Challenges – 1

In our earlier blog, you learned about the basics of SDN as well as its growing market opportunities.But one factor that can falter the SDN promise is…

2014: Top Storage Technology Advancements to Watch Out

We hand-picked top storage technologies that are ready to take their place and have an impact on your data center in 2014. Flash Storage: Now a Mainstream. The…

Open vSwitch – A Quick read.

By definition, Open vSwitch is open-source virtual switch software designed for virtual servers. It is a production quality, multilayer virtual switch licensed under the open source Apache…

Getting along with Software-Defined Networks

The latest topic in enterprise networking is software-defined networks (SDNs), which increase the intelligence of the core network making it more receptive to overall IT and business…

OpenStack Grizzly – 4 Key Facets

OpenStack came up with its new release called ‘OpenStack Grizzly’ earlier this April. This release is seventh in the row and is driven by users who have…

Open Stack: A Sneak-peek

Founded by Rackspace Hosting and NASA, OpenStack is used for building massively scalable private and public clouds. OpenStack can also be referred to as a global collaboration…

Is it the end of an era for FC SAN?

  The recent changes in the storage industry may be signaling the end of the SAN era. Why? The problem that SAN was designed to solve, still…