SDN Controller Performance Challenges – 1
In our earlier blog, you learned about the basics of SDN as well as its growing market opportunities.But one factor that can falter the SDN promise is…
Security Holes – Part 2
In Part-1 of this post we spoke about security holes and 2 sources of vulnerabilities: Buffer Overflow and SQL Injection. We will cover next 3 sources in…
Security Holes – Part 1
Technically, ‘Vulnerability’ is a cyber-security term that refers to a flaw in a system that can leave it open to attacks. In terms of computing, a resource…
Virtual Machine Archival APIs
Introduction of Virtual Machines (VMs) has wiped out the mandatory cap on the rate at which the server trail grew. However this led to the problem of…
2014: Top Storage Technology Advancements to Watch Out
We hand-picked top storage technologies that are ready to take their place and have an impact on your data center in 2014. Flash Storage: Now a Mainstream. The…
Open vSwitch – A Quick read.
By definition, Open vSwitch is open-source virtual switch software designed for virtual servers. It is a production quality, multilayer virtual switch licensed under the open source Apache…
Technical Deep Dive: LSM and SELinux Internal Structure
LSM Module: OS Security is a chronic and growing problem: as more systems (and more money) go on line, the motivation to attack rises. Linux is not…
Getting along with Software-Defined Networks
The latest topic in enterprise networking is software-defined networks (SDNs), which increase the intelligence of the core network making it more receptive to overall IT and business…
VHDX: The New Wave in Virtual Hard Disk Formats
A bit about VHDs Virtual hard disk or VHD is a way to provide storage medium for virtual machines, which is represented as a disk image…
ZFS as a software-defined storage platform
ZFS is a feature-rich file system that makes it valuable as a starting platform for software-defined storage. This post speaks about ZFS features that are of prime…