Storage Certification with VMware

There are multiple steps to be followed in order to meet the VMware compliance for certification of any storage (hardware or software defined). First of all the product vendor needs to be Elite partner with VMware in order to certify their product and features and list them on VMware official portal. With this partnership in place VMware provides TAP

Future Trends in VDI Technology

Mobility is the demand in current organization. Enterprises are constantly looking to meet the demand of flexibility and work on-the-go for their employees. This has led companies to make their IT infrastructure more flexible and hence move towards Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI). However in the coming year advancement in the virtual desktop infrastructure

DevOps – The Road Ahead

According to Wikipedia – DevOps is a culture, movement or practice that emphasizes the collaboration and communication of both software developers and other information-technology (IT) professionals while automating the process of software delivery and infrastructure changes.It aims at establishing a culture and environment ….

Jenkins – Continuous Integration System

Introduction: Jenkins, formerly known as Hudson, is a quick to use continuous integration system, which can be used to automate the build of your projects at a…

Deduplication Algorithm

Introduction to Deduplication According to wikipedia, “Data deduplication is a specific form of compression where redundant data is eliminated, typically to improve storage utilization. In the deduplication…

Top 5 Storage Startups in 2015

Every year storage startups brings lot of dynamism and churn in the entire storage industry. Some of them disappear quickly, some disappear painfully, some gets acquired and…

VAAI – is it a Mirage?

VMware vSphere® Storage APIs – Array Integration (VAAI), also known as hardware acceleration or hardware offload APIs, are a set of APIs enabling interaction between VMware vSphere…

A Salute to a Worthy Winner of the Turing Award

The Turing Award given by the Association for Computing Machinery has been called “The Nobel Prize of Computing”. The stipulation says the award should be given to…

VMware’s Unified Hybrid Cloud – The Star of the Show at VMworld

Those attending VMworld in San Francisco in the summer this year could not escape mention of the “Unified Hybrid Cloud” and the stories seem to have now…

SDDC Rediscovering its Magnificence

SDDC the abbreviation of Software defined data centre has become the latest jargon used by anybody and everybody in the Storage, Virtualization and cloud technology domain. It…