Key Strategic Acquisitions for VMware

I was keeping a close watch on VMware even before the inception of Calsoft Inc. It was exciting to watch VMware growing from a young Silicon Valley startup to a formidable force in the enterprise market space. It is still growing at a rapid pace even after its merger with EMC and later will Dell. Forbes positioned VMware ast….

DevOps – The Road Ahead

According to Wikipedia – DevOps is a culture, movement or practice that emphasizes the collaboration and communication of both software developers and other information-technology (IT) professionals while automating the process of software delivery and infrastructure changes.It aims at establishing a culture and environment ….

Use of Docker (Linux Containers – LXC) in Scalability & Performance Testing for NAS Products

Testing of Network Attached Storage (NAS) Arrays is a challenging subject & many OEMs face a daunting task when it comes to performing non-functional testing such as Performance. Another challenge is to test how scalable their product is in-terms of maximum simultaneous connections. Both these kind of testing….

Why a GUI Framework ?

Why a GUI Framework ? Enables easy-to-use tabular syntax for creating test cases in a uniform way Is platform and application independent Supports creating data-driven test cases. Provides tagging to categorize and select test cases to be executed. Typical steps for automation of a GUI feature To know more email:

Use of Cloud Technologies in Smart City Programme

India’s Economy is growing rapidly. There is massive migration of people from rural to urban areas. Cities are expanding in all directions. Local government is pressurized to expand and increase the physical infrastructure to accommodate the increasing population. Government of India has initiated an ambitious Smart Cities programme to make….

Pros & Cons of vSphere Virtual Storage Appliance

vSphere Virtual Storage Appliance [VSA]: VSA is created for SMBs that either don’t have the budget to buy shared storage hardware or lack the skills to manage…

Jenkins – Continuous Integration System

Introduction: Jenkins, formerly known as Hudson, is a quick to use continuous integration system, which can be used to automate the build of your projects at a…

IoT – Internet Of Things

Definition IoT is known as data gathering, data analysis and action/task/computation with the help of network of various objects like computer, smartphone, hardware(sensors, controllers, converter), network. Wikipedia describes The…

Docker Networking Basics

Docker overview: Docker is an open source project to pack, ship and run any application as a lightweight container. The idea is to provide a comprehensive abstraction…

Hyper-converged Infrastructure Market – An Overview

I will start by giving a short introduction about hyper-converged infrastructure. It is a virtual computing infrastructure solution that integrates discrete data center services in a product’s…