What to Expect from Blockchain in 2020?

Blockchain in the future will revolutionize business processes in many industries, but its adoption requires time and effort. Nevertheless, in the near future, we can expect that governments will finally accept blockchain benefits and begin to use it for improving financial and public services.

[Infoblog] Open Source in Data Center

As the Software-Defined Data Center (SDDC) model paves the way towards the future of data centers, open-source technologies are at the heart of this technological revolution.

Evolution Of Data Centers

Clubbing of individual components of a Datacenter to form a single node is called a Converged Infrastructure. Clubbing of Software-Defined components to form a node is called Hyper-Converged Infrastructure. The next era is going to be the era of Hybrid Infrastructure where few components will be hardware-based and few will be software-based.

Securing Your Elastic Stack

We are generating a tremendous amount of data every second. Today’s common knowledge tells us that there are ample business opportunities for enterprises that want to put this data to work. Elasticsearch is one such tool that has the potential to run a business from the raw data rotting on the storage devices.

Biomedical Image Analysis and Machine Learning

These techniques help in the understanding of the disease as well as initiation and evaluation of ongoing treatment. Apart from this, the dataset of these images is used in further analysis of such diseases occurring around the world as a whole.

IoT and Storage – How Storage is Crucial for IoT

IoT, as we all know has taken the center stage in the past few years. Literally from many of the day to day appliances to automotive to flights, all data that the IoT devices send are taking the user experience and the analytics to the next level.

A Primer on Multus-CNI

This blog is for those who are looking forward to getting started with Multus CNI, the blog covers an overview of CNI in Kubernetes, Multus CNI plugin, basic configuration along with a quick deployment scenario.

Search in Artificial Intelligence

Search is a key part of many AI problem-solving strategies that assist in exploring the problem spaces. As explained by Peter Norvig “Normal programming is telling the computer what to do when we know what to do. AI is when we tell the computer what to do when we don’t know what to do.”

[Infoblog] Edge Computing in the IoT

Edge computing is a distributed computing paradigm which brings computation and data storage closer to the location where it is needed,…

Think About Migration of Your Existing vCP to 6.7/7.0

VMware vSphere 7.0 is releasing soon. Customers who are running current releases along with vCP need to upgrade to the latest version.