On-Premises versus Cloud Solutions
This article gives comprehensive overview of on-premises (private) versus public cloud solutions and throws light on building hybrid cloud solutions.
Demystifying AWS Pricing APIs & its Cryptic Codes
This article gives example on how the use of AWS pricing APIs can be used to save great amount of time to monitor and verify billing and how cryptic codes can be used to fetch pricing details.
Incorporation of OpenStack and Open Source MANO (OSM) for NFV Deployments
Both OpenStack and OSM have a large community that have a rapid pace for innovating NFV & higher contribution by all scale companies to enhance current features and develop new capabilities for core projects under it. For NFV case, OpenStack standardized interfaces between NFV elements and infrastructure.
Cloud Management
The new market era is out and yes most of the IT service provider organizations are in Cloud business. There are different platforms available to host the cloud environment for these providers but the question is What is this? What am I suppose to know to implement this? To understand more, one can think about virtualization where
Moving to Next Stage of Development – CI/CD
Continuous Integration and Continuous Development is the approach now days where most of the development organization have started adopting. In my view, since I have exposure on working on big solution releases, I feel this one is also kind of big solution approach which involves good amount of technical knowledge
Kubernetes Cluster Networking
To communicate between pods residing on different member nodes, it is necessary that the master node and member node should be able to communicate among each other. Even though all the nodes are able to ping each other, the communication between master and members can be stuck. This happens because kubernetes
[Infographic] Docker Security: What You Need To Know?
While Docker is highly instrumental in facilitating developers, operators, enterprises and users to function smoothly, it is vital to ensure that their containers are firmly secured. To understand this notion in a better manner it is important to get acquainted with the overall scenario of Docker Security.
Evolution of OpenStack: TripleO
There has been a revolution of innovations in OpenStack ecosystem. The latest innovation is TripleO. It is also called OpenStack over OpenStack. The Red Hat OpenStack Platform director is a tool for installing and managing OpenStack environment. It is based primarily on the TripleO. TripleO is a method of deployment in which dedicated ..
Kubernetes and the Containers – A Look Under the Hood
Kubernetes is a container orchestration engine that was originally designed by Google. (Google has been using it for 10 years) and is now maintained by Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF). It has been used to run Google’s massive systems. Kubernetes is also described as a vendor-agnostic cluster and container ..
What is the Status of Containers and Microservices in Enterprises and Telecom
This article covers what are containers and microservices; what are the use cases of containers and microservices in enterprises and telecommunication sectors and evaluation of usability of containers for IT infrastructure. Article also focuses on recent development of containers in network functions ..