Docker Swarm & Flocker Driver Integration

Docker Swarm and Flocker are evolving technologies & I was trying to integrate them but there was some lack of documentation efforts & really its challenge to integrate these two technologies. After putting lots of integration efforts I came up with useful configuration steps.

First of all, let’s check the background of these technologies – Docker Swarm is the cluster management tool for the Docker containers. Docker Swarm provides native clustering capabilities to turn a group of Docker engines into a single node.

Flocker is an open-source container data volume manager for your Dockerized applications. Flocker manages Docker containers and data volumes together. Flocker allows you to use external persistent storage and move it between containers using Docker Swarm.


Docker Swarm & Flocker Driver integration Steps

1. Check Status Flocker Node list

root@flockerdev1-virtual-machine:/home/flocker-dev1# flockerctl list-nodes

2. Check Flocker Volume list

root@flockerdev1-virtual-machine:/home/flocker-dev1# flockerctl ls


3. Create a Flocker Volume

root@flockerdev1-virtual-machine:/home/flocker-dev1# docker volume create --driver flocker --name yp-pune -o size=1GB


4. Now again Check Flocker Volume list

root@flockerdev1-virtual-machine:/home/flocker-dev1# flockerctl ls

/usr/local/bin/flockerctl: 3: read: Illegal option -d
DATASET                                SIZE    METADATA                               STATUS         SERVER
938e66cf-95ef-4131-9c3a-52c0fe5236e5   1.00G   maximum_size=1073741824,name=yp-pune   attached ✅   295aabcd (

5. Check the Swarm Cluster Node status

root@flockerdev1-virtual-machine:/home/flocker-dev1# sudo docker node list

ID                           HOSTNAME                     STATUS  AVAILABILITY  MANAGER STATUS
3c4w4zvcyzmwhrr0mrxfkc5pf *  flockerdev1-virtual-machine  Ready   Active        Leader
4j8ir0rya0x3nh068xxbct4z6    flockerdev2-virtual-machine  Ready   Active

6. Now create a Swarm Service

root@flockerdev1-virtual-machine:/home/flocker-dev1# docker service create --mount type=volume,source=yp-pune,target=/Calsoft --name yogesh centos sh -c 'while true; do touch /Calsoft/$(hostname)-$(date +%F-%T); sleep 5; done'


7. Check status of Swarm Service

root@flockerdev1-virtual-machine:/home/flocker-dev1# sudo docker service ls

0pdnne9urig6  yogesh  1/1       centos  sh -c while true; do touch /Calsoft/$(hostname)-$(date +%F-%T); sleep 5; done

8. Find out on which node service is running

root@flockerdev1-virtual-machine:/home/flocker-dev1# sudo docker service ps yogesh

ID                         NAME      IMAGE   NODE                         DESIRED STATE  CURRENT STATE               ERROR
1nowf2k2zmjv79zkdk9m3ewh6  yogesh.1  centos  flockerdev1-virtual-machine  Running        Running about a minute ago

9. Check the IO on the Flocker volume

root@flockerdev1-virtual-machine:/home/flocker-dev1# ls /flocker/938e66cf-95ef-4131-9c3a-52c0fe5236e5

c8e89ca73b93-2016-09-22-09:59:53  c8e89ca73b93-2016-09-22-10:00:38  c8e89ca73b93-2016-09-22-10:01:24  c8e89ca73b93-2016-09-22-10:02:09
c8e89ca73b93-2016-09-22-09:59:58  c8e89ca73b93-2016-09-22-10:00:43  c8e89ca73b93-2016-09-22-10:01:29  c8e89ca73b93-2016-09-22-10:02:14
c8e89ca73b93-2016-09-22-10:00:08  c8e89ca73b93-2016-09-22-10:00:54  c8e89ca73b93-2016-09-22-10:01:39

10. Now trigger the failure on the active Swarm Node

root@flockerdev1-virtual-machine:/home/flocker-dev1# sudo docker node update --availability drain flockerdev1-virtual-machine


11. Now Check the Swarm Node status

root@flockerdev1-virtual-machine:/home/flocker-dev1# sudo docker node list

ID                           HOSTNAME                     STATUS  AVAILABILITY  MANAGER STATUS
3c4w4zvcyzmwhrr0mrxfkc5pf *  flockerdev1-virtual-machine  Ready   Drain         Leader
4j8ir0rya0x3nh068xxbct4z6    flockerdev2-virtual-machine  Ready   Active

12. Now Check the Swarm Service Status

root@flockerdev1-virtual-machine:/home/flocker-dev1# sudo docker service ps yogesh

ID                         NAME          IMAGE   NODE                         DESIRED STATE  CURRENT STATE            ERROR
0kb2mmgmzvmiqyx2krigo2j09  yogesh.1      centos  flockerdev2-virtual-machine  Running        Starting 52 seconds ago
1nowf2k2zmjv79zkdk9m3ewh6   \_ yogesh.1  centos  flockerdev1-virtual-machine  Shutdown       Shutdown 55 seconds ago

14. Now Check the volume status in flockerctl [Volume & Containers are automatically migrated to other active node]

root@flockerdev1-virtual-machine:/home/flocker-dev1# flockerctl ls

/usr/local/bin/flockerctl: 3: read: Illegal option -d
DATASET                                SIZE    METADATA                               STATUS         SERVER
938e66cf-95ef-4131-9c3a-52c0fe5236e5   1.00G   maximum_size=1073741824,name=yp-pune   attached ✅   53bbc30e (

15. Now Check IO on the Flocker volume [IO is continued from the other active node on the same Flocker volume]

root@flockerdev2-virtual-machine:/home/flocker-dev1# ls /flocker/938e66cf-95ef-4131-9c3a-52c0fe5236e5

c8e89ca73b93-2016-09-22-09:59:53  c8e89ca73b93-2016-09-22-10:00:38  c8e89ca73b93-2016-09-22-10:01:24  c8e89ca73b93-2016-09-22-10:02:09
c8e89ca73b93-2016-09-22-09:59:58  c8e89ca73b93-2016-09-22-10:00:43  c8e89ca73b93-2016-09-22-10:01:29  c8e89ca73b93-2016-09-22-10:02:14
5cc6b2b33d59-2016-09-22-10:10:10  c8e89ca73b93-2016-09-22-10:00:23  c8e89ca73b93-2016-09-22-10:01:44  c8e89ca73b93-2016-09-22-10:03:04
5cc6b2b33d59-2016-09-22-10:10:19  c8e89ca73b93-2016-09-22-10:00:28  c8e89ca73b93-2016-09-22-10:01:49  c8e89ca73b93-2016-09-22-10:03:09

Using these steps we can easily access Flocker Volumes in the Swarm Docker Cluster. Hope this document will helps you.

Container Ecosystem Services

Calsoft has deep expertise in containerization of Storage and Networking products. With our in-depth understanding of various containerization technologies like Docker, Kubernetes, Apache Mesos and Coreos, we have helped ISVs to design and develop solutions in and around these technologies.

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