
Basics of WHQL Certification

Basics of WHQL Certification

WHQL Certification is divided into two episodes. In Episode one Sameer will talk about the basics of WHQL while in Episode two will revolve around simplifying the advanced  WHQL Certification.

The Podcast will explain the essentials of WHQL and the process in which it functions. During the discussion, Sameer will elucidate the use cases of WHQL. You will also be able to fathom the Challenges that users may face while conducting WHQL testing.

About The Speaker

Sameer Paithankar

Technology Lead

Sameer is currently working with Calsoft as a Technology Lead. He is a RedHat certified engineer with over 7 years of experience in quality assurance. In the past, Sameer has extensively worked on EMC and HP mid-range storage arrays across storage, virtualization, backup and recovery domains.