Technical Documentation

Technical Documentation Review and Tips

Technical reviews are vital for effective and quality documentation. To make this happen, have documentation and its reviews listed as one of the deliverables – just like development or testing. This will place priority on the process, and ensure everyone involved understands the importance of proper and thorough reviews.

Testing in Absence of Input Documentation

Recently I worked on a project, where lack of documentation necessary to plan the testing activity was an issue. Although this is not a very common scenario, the possibility can’t be ruled out completely.

Evolvement of Kubernetes to Manage Diverse IT Workloads

This article talks about how Kubernetes has emerged from container orchestration platform to manage complex workloads in AI and Machine Learning Stacks, Managing containers in NFV architecture and handling hardware GPU resources.

Technical Documentation

Test Driven Development

Software testing is a mechanism in which the program or an application is executed where the basic intention is to find out the discrepancies and deviations between the desired result or the outcome and the actual result or outcome.

Getting Started with Blockchain Technology

As the name indicates, a blockchain is a chain of blocks that contain information. The blockchain is a distributed ledger that is completely open to anyone. They have an interesting property: once some data is written in the blockchain it becomes very difficult to change it. So how does that work? Well, let us take a closer look at a block. 

What DevOps Mean to QA/Test?

DevOps – as it stands for “Development” + “Operations” is a buzzword these days and everyone is trying to get some insight into it. As exciting as it may sound, many in the test department have a common question – “Where do they stand in the whole premise of DevOps?”.

A Look at vCenter Integration with Storage Arrays

Typically, in large scale data center deployment and management, different components of a data center are managed by different system administrators. To get the provisioning or updating of instructions processed, certain iterations have to be followed by the admins. As data center surged towards cloud-managed, a need for having a single console emerged …

Kubernetes and the Containers – A Look Under the Hood

​Kubernetes is a container orchestration engine that was originally designed by Google. (Google has been using it for 10 years) and is now maintained by Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF). It has been used to run Google’s massive systems. Kubernetes is also described as a vendor-agnostic cluster and container ..

Basics of Virtual Network Functions (VNFs) & Challenges

This article is focused on basics of VNFs: what are virtual network functions (VNFs), architecture of virtual network functions (VNFs), what are the basic components (VNFC and VNF Descriptors (VNFD)), challenges with current VNF development and onboarding to NFV environment and how cloud native VNFs can help overcome the challenges.

Challenges of Cloud Application Development

Web applications running on a cloud platform are different from applications running on-premise in many ways. A cloud based infrastructure provides many services and options to develop a scalable and highly available application which can cater to a global audience. It provides unlimited opportunities for an application to scale and match business requirements.